This time, I would like to introduce stanley market to all of you: )
Stanley Market is one of the place that tourists must need to go when they visit Hong Kong! But there are also many residents can go there once in a while, becuase when you have been there, you won't feel that you are in Hong Kong, base on there have many special things and the scenery is quite good. Accept for shopping you can have a deep breathe right here. And you will find an interesting array of little shops selling silk garments, sportswear, art, Chinese costume jewellery and souvenirs. While a bit "touristy" if you are a tourist, it will certainly help you to cross off all the items on your souvenirs-to-buy-Aunt-Jane shopping list. A hard morning of shopping is also nicely finished off by a good lunch at one of the many restaurants, which are the reason that Hong Kong locals also frequent the area.
It's probably best to go in the morning before things get too hot and crowded. During summer, the weather is very hot and though the market street is covered that merely seems to trap in the heat somehow.
Here is the video that introduce stanley =)!!
Nic Cheng